AliExpress price history

Find the item you are interested in on AliExpress. Copy the link to the page of this item. Go to Paste the copied link into the search box and click the button "Search". A page with price history opens.

broken image

The chart shows the following:

- The price of an item is becoming more expensive or cheaper.

- How often the price changes.

- At what price it is better to buy.

- You can predict the price in the coming days.

Check any page as an example. The chart shows that the price has now gone up and we can assume that it will soon go down.

After you clicked on the "Search" button, Pricearchive will collect price data every day for the this item. Why is this necessary? As known, there are big sales on AliExpress shopping assistant from time to time. For example, Global Shopping Festival on November 11th of every year or AliExpress summer sale.

You can find on Pricearchive in advance, for example, 2 weeks before the sale in the way just described the product you need. By the time of the sale, you are almost guaranteed to have a price history. Visit us for more information: search Aliexpress by image

You will be able to figure out:

- Did the seller actually make the discount?

- Are they honest?

- What is the actual discount rate during the sale in relation to normal days?

To quickly return to the item page on AliExpress, click on the corresponding blue button "Open on Aliexpress".

Now you know how to use AliExpress price history and price tracking to make profitable purchases.

Good luck!